Friday, February 25, 2005

Friday Things

1. I just spilled an entire bowl of chicken noodle soup on my lap! Yay! And now not only do I look like I peed myself, but have a weird, chickeny smell.

2. I made a date to see my ex-boyfriend next week. I'm engaging in what I like to call voluntary stupidity. I know he's bad for me and I know nothing good can come from it - but I'm doing it anyway. Bleh. It's weird because I think he's taken on this big, added significance because of the ways things ended between us. When I first met him, I wasn't even interested and he's shown me over and over what a bad person he is. I called him yesterday and I was shaking and sweating the entire phone call. I don't think I know what role I want him to play in my life. I've tried to go on like I never even met him over and over but he just comes right the hell back. Yuck.

3.Conversly, I had a sweet, positive interaction with a guy who was genuinely nice for the sake of being nice yesterday. This guy on my job saw me struggling to get snow and ice off my car and came to my rescue! Not only did he make sure my car was snow-free all over (including headlights), but he sprayed my wipers and front and back windshield with de-icer. Yay! It left me with warm fuzzies and hope that there are indeed some good ones left.

4.Wooooo! There will be much shaking of ass and drinking of alchohol tonight. My girl's birthday was yesterday and we will be celebrating at Dream in D.C. Wooooo!

5.Link o' the day: I think I might have my first internet crush, ya'll*. Don't tell anybody though.

*I love how I write like I'm speaking to a great multitude of people. Is anybody out there?

6.That's it, that's all. Happy weekend.

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