Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I have a problem with the fact that Oprah and Halle are doing the tv movie version of Their Eyes Were Watching God.

It's not a small problem, it's a big problem.

I love the subtle, sexy vibe that Eyes have. I love Zora's lush bold colorful language. And People: Halle just did Catwoman. I'm just sayin.

Although Oprah did play Sophia in my favorite movie of all time.


So here's a question: Is it ever ok to knowingly make what could be considered a bad decision? Concerning...I don't know...an ex?

Do feelings for another person ever die? And if not, should they be explored? Does using your heart make you dumber?

Perhaps I should leave it at that.

Yeah, I just realized how pointless and banal this post is. I'll write something better next time. Maybe.

Link 'o Matic: Go here for writing that is actually good.

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